Refrigerator Efficiency Tips
Today I want show you what you can do to make your refrigerator run more efficiently.
Your refrigerator is usually one of the largest energy users in your home as it’s constantly working to keep your food cool and at the right temperature. Now, here are a few simple tips you can do at home to help reduce the amount of energy your refrigerator uses.
1. Locate your refrigerators coils which are located at the back of the fridge or at the bottom behind the kick plate. Once a month, vacuum all the dust off these coils to make sure they run as efficient as possible.
2. Allow frozen food to thaw out in the fridge. It’s safe to defrost meats this way and the frozen food helps keep the fridge cool so it runs less.
3. Before placing leftovers in the fridge, make sure they cool down to room temperature. Hot food makes your fridge work twice as hard as it needs to.
4. Check the door seals on your fridge with a simple test. Close the door on a $1 bill. The seal should hold the bill tightly in place. If the bill is easily removed, you should contact the manufacturer and replace the seal.
Whether or not you have an energy star rated fridge, these tips will help you save money. Remember with everything I share, make sure to tell your friends and family so they can see the savings too.
If you have any other tips or ideas to add, please let me know in the comments section.
sources http://www.power4home.com
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