Solar water heating systems have a good economic payoff, and are manageable systems to install or build as a DIY project. Some of the solar water heating designs are very simple and low cost. You can save as much as $7000 by building your own system. There are just over one hundred projects with full construction details listed below -- all free.
Read more: How to Make Your Own Cheap, Simple Solar Space Heater | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_7738097_make-simple-solar-space-heater.html#ixzz28vnOsi6s
Keeping up with your heating bills during the winter months can stretch your budget further than you're happy for it to go. If you have even a few hours' worth of sun per day, you can reduce your heating costs by making use of the sun's heat and energy and bringing it right into your home, free of charge. Total up the cost of three or four hours of heat every day and work out how much that could affect your winter fuel bills.
Read more: How to Make Your Own Cheap, Simple Solar Space Heater | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_7738097_make-simple-solar-space-heater.html#ixzz28vnOsi6s
The projects range from simple batch heaters for warm climates through closed loop and drain back systems that will work in any climate.
One of the systems is our own $1,000 solar water heating system that has provided a solar fraction in excess of 90% through our cold Montana winter.
My thanks to the people who have built systems, and then taken the time to send in pictures and descriptions for others to use.
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