Aldo Proia is CEO and commercial director of Italian eCat license holders Prometeon srl – he gave this interview to International Business Times a few days ago.
- Current validation phase will take another three months
- “E-Cat is a Ferrari that is made to walk like a turtle”
- eCat: Commercial product and a “great opportunity to change the world”
- Pseudosceptics trying to spread lies and disinformation
Several eCat Models
Proia talked about some of the different models of ecat…
“The E-Cat exists in several versions, which are essentially the heat and, in the future, than electricity. In practice, the E-Cat can be at low temperature (120 ° C), already ordered, and between not very high temperature (600 ° C). In addition, the power can be electric, as the E-Cat “classic”, or gas version in advanced stage of development. In all cases, the minimum size is 1 MW thermal, and clients we work with are essentially small or large industries. The civil sector will only at a later time, since the price of the E-Cat current is amortized if the consumption of energy produced by it is the case for most of the year, so the ideal application is to provide process heat in industrial field. In the future will also be required for winter heating only and cooling. There is no fixed price list because it is a highly customizable according to customer needs, a bit ‘as it happens eg. for large biomass plants when you go on the sizes of megawatts or more. The price, in the cases mentioned above is however – especially in the gas version and, in the future, for that power – much improvement of the business plan than any alternative on the market.”
“In this first phase, will be marketed large E-Cat industrial heating, followed by large electric E-Cat, at some point also be used for civilian use. In the second phase, will be sold in the domestic E-Cat, which can not be marketed until there is broad acceptance of the technology by the general public, which will predictably with the first operating systems installed at customer not military in Italy or abroad. For home, then, you must wait at least two years. In the third phase, the E-Cat could be implemented in the transport, which requires considerable investment in terms of money and R & D, for example. for miniaturizzarli.”
Commercial Interference
Proi then went on to discuss how pseudosceptics and disinfo tactics are being used to negatively impact the success of the ecat.
“Yes, there are people who, personally and / or on behalf of third parties dealing with publicly sow disinformation, doubts or anything negative on the subject of cold fusion and the invention of Rossi, sometimes inventing out of whole cloth parts of articles and systematically changing Wikipedia entries with blatant falsehoods. However both the Leonardo Corporation, which is fully equipped on the computer it is able to easily trace those responsible, that Prometeon srl constantly monitor the web saving each article artfully manipulated against our interests to store it and attribute it to an author or a tested, in order to present the bill – and not just metaphorically speaking – at the appropriate time. In fact, the Italian market the E-Cat industry is in theory about 25 billion euro and therefore who gets a financial loss to a company can not expect to act with impunity for a long time.”
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