Brown Bag Your Lunch
Packing your own meals is a lot healthier since most restaurants use heavily processed foods and deep fry almost everything. Instead make yourself a healthy meal. I like to take my leftovers to work so they don’t go to waste.
Also eating out is expensive. Have you ever really considered how much you spend on eating out at lunch? On average people spend about $140 a month! That’s almost $1700 a year.
Lastly packing your own meal helps the planet. Helps reduce food and packing waste. Like I said before, I pack my leftovers that would usually end up going bad and would otherwise be thrown out. Also I like to use glass containers that can be washed and a lunch bag that can be reused.
Now most people drive to restaurants so eating out will also cut down on fossil fuel use. Any way you slice it packing a healthy lunch from home is more nutritious, it’s cheaper and better for the environment. I hope you liked this video.
sources http://www.power4home.com
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