INCISE® Certified VLSI 6 weeks Program (with Mini Project)
Module #1
o Digital Design concepts and building blocks
Combinational Circuits
Sequential Circuits
Shift Registers
o Basics of Verilog HDL
o Implementation of basic building blocks in Verilog HDL
o What is a Simulator? How does it work?
o Verification of designs using Waveforms
o Lab # : All synchronous and Async circuits , Synchronous and Symmetric FIFO, Mini project
Module #2
o Creation of block-level Test Bench & Test Cases in HDL
o FPGA History and Evolution
o FPGA Architecture
o FPGA Programming Flow
o Advanced Design Concepts
o FSM, Mealy & Moore Machines
o Synchronous Circuits
o Clock and Timing
o Blocking & Non-Blocking Statements
o Lab # : Create Test Bench for Mini Project
Module #1
o Digital Design concepts and building blocks
Combinational Circuits
Sequential Circuits
Shift Registers
o Basics of Verilog HDL
o Implementation of basic building blocks in Verilog HDL
o What is a Simulator? How does it work?
o Verification of designs using Waveforms
o Lab # : All synchronous and Async circuits , Synchronous and Symmetric FIFO, Mini project
Module #2
o Creation of block-level Test Bench & Test Cases in HDL
o FPGA History and Evolution
o FPGA Architecture
o FPGA Programming Flow
o Advanced Design Concepts
o FSM, Mealy & Moore Machines
o Synchronous Circuits
o Clock and Timing
o Blocking & Non-Blocking Statements
o Lab # : Create Test Bench for Mini Project
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