- Hotel Management System VB Net
- Human Resources Management System VB Net
- Inventory System VB Net
- Membership Management System VB Net
- Patient Care System VB Net
- Send SMS To Cell Phone Through SMTP Mail VB Net
- Trainee Management System VB Net
- Cryptographically Using Secure Server/Client Protocol VC++
- Intrusion Detection Prevention And Trace back Systems VC++
- Neural Network for Recognition of Handwritten and Digits VC++
- The File Digest program and the C++ implementation of some Message-Digest algorithms VC++
- File Encryption and Encrypted text embedding in an image VC++
- Performance Evaluation of DISTANCE Routing Algorithm in MANET VC++
- Online Index Recommendations for High-Dimensional Databases Using Query Workloads /Jee
- Efficient and Secure Content Processing (Java)
- Controlling IP Spoofing through Inter domain Packet Filters (Java)
- Rough sets based Search Engine for grid service discovery (Net)
- Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the DOWN policy (Net)
- Credit Card Fraud Detection using Hidden Markov Model (Net)
- Hba: Distributed Metadata Management for Large cluster-based storage system (Net)
- Minimizing file download time in Stochastic Peer-to-Peer networks (Net)
- Statistical Techniques for detecting Traffic anomalies through Packet Header Data (Net)
- The Effect of Pairs in Program Design Tasks (Net)
- Rate Allocation and Network Life Time Problems (Net)
- Distributed cache updating for the Dynamic source routing protocol /Java
- An Adaptive Programming Model for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing /Java
- Face Recognition Using Laplacian faces /Java
- Predictive Job Scheduling in a Connection Limited System using Parallel Genetic Algorithm /Java
- Digital Image Processing Techniques for the Detection and Removal of Cracks in Digitized Paintings /Net
- A Distributed Database Architecture for Global Roaming in Next-Generation Mobile Networks /Java
- Noise Reduction by Fuzzy Image Filtering /Java
- Online Handwritten Script Recognition /Java
- ODAM: An Optimized Distributed Association Rule Mining Algorithm /Java
- Structure and Texture Filling-In of Missing Image Blocks in Wireless Transmission and Compression Applications /Java
- Workflow Mining: Discovering Process Models from Event Logs /Net
- An Agent Based Intrusion Detection, Response and Blocking using signature method in Active Networks /Java
- Mobile Agents In Distributed Multimedia Database Systems /Java
- Wireless Traffic Viewer Using JME JME
- JME Mail Client Server JME
- Monitoring And Managing The Clusters Using JMX JME
- Peer-To-Peer Messaging JME
- Mobile Information Provider JME
- Mobile Bank WAP
- Video Steganography Using Mobile Simulation JME
- Network Traffic Anomaly Detector JME
- ERP for Leather Company JEE
- Online Web shop JEE
- Online Fashion Studios JEE
- ERP for Small Business JEE
- Bulk Billing System JEE
- SN Java Project Titles Language
- Optimal Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Java
- Homogenous Network Control and Implementation Java
- Performance Evaluation of RMI Java
- A Novel Secure Communication Protocol for Ad Hoc networks [SCP] /Java
- ITP: An Image Transport Protocol for the Internet /Java
- Hybrid Intrusion Detection with Weighted Signature Generation over Anomalous Internet Episodes(HIDS) /JEE
- Incremental deployment service of Hop by hop multicast routing protocol /Java
- Network border patrol: preventing congestion collapse and promoting fairness in the Internet /Java
- Location-Aided Routing (LAR) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks /Java
- Neural Networks for Handwritten character and Digits /VC++
- Selective Encryption of Still Image /VB,C
- An Acknowledgment-Based Approach For The Detection Of Routing Misbehavior In MANETs /Java
- Neural Network-Based Face Detection /VC++
- Homogenous Network Control and Implementation /Java
- XML Data Stores: Emerging Practices /Java
- XTC: A Practical Topology Control Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks /Java
- A near-optimal multicast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks using a hybrid genetic algorithm /Java
- XML Enable SQL Server Java
- Network Analyzer Java
- Public Key Validation for DNS security Extension Java
- Java Productivity Aids Java
- Image Water Marking
- Call Center Management System ASP Net
- Online Shopping ASP Net
- Textile Web Services ASP Net
- Auction System ASP Net
- Online Quiz ASP Net
- Online Bank ASP Net
- Online Voting System ASP Net
- Securing Image URL ASP Net
- Web Services ASP Net
- Smart Knowledge Provider ASP Net
- Online Book Shop ASP Net
- Electronic Fund Transfer ASP Net
- Work Flow Management System ASP Net
- Online Customer Care ASP Net
- CVS Root File Changing Utility C# Net
- C# MP Compressor C# Net
- Convolution Filters Using Image Processing C# Net
- Database Schema Comparison Utility C# C# Net
- Displacement filters, including swirl using GDI+ C# Net
- Edge Detection Filters C# Net
- Flood Fill Algorithms in C# and GDI+ C# Net
- Genetic Algorithms and the Traveling Salesman Problem using C# and ATL COM C# Net
- Hiding binary data in HTML documents C# Net
- Hiding Messages in MIDI Songs C# Net
- Hiding messages in the Noise of a Picture C# Net
- Image Processing C# Net
- Windows Management Instrumentation WMI Implementation C# Net
- Image Processing for Bilinear Filters and Resizing C# Net
- Image processing for HSL color space C# Net
- Image Processing for Per Pixel Filters using GDI+ C# Net
- Multithreaded Chat Server C# Net
- Reading and Writing AVI files using steganography C# Net
- Steganography for Hiding Data in Wave Audio Files C# Net
- TCPIP Chat client server Using C# C# Net
- Neural Networks for Unicode Optical Character Recognition C# Net
- Using Trigonometry and Pythagoras to Watermark an Image C# Net
- Library Management System C# Net
- Steganography for FTP through a Proxy Server C# Net
- Artificial intelligence network load balancing using Ant Colony Optimization C# Net
- Neural Networks for Handwriting Detection System Using Brain Net VB Net
- Library Management system VB Net
- Windows Management Instrument (WMI) Net VB Net
- Wallpaper Changer Utility VB Net
- Win Application for Word Processing VB Net
- Network Component for XML Migration Java
- A Secure Routing Protocol for mobile Ad-hoc Network Java
- Retrieving Files Using Content Based Searching and presenting it in Carousel view Java
- An Acknowledgment-Based Approach for the Detection of Routing Misbehavior in MANETs Java
- Java Network File Sharing System Java
- Image Transformation using Grid Java
- Java Visual Editor with Compiler Java
- Embedding In Video Steganography Java
- Genetic Algorithm Based Train Simulation Using Concurrent Engineering Java
- Image Rendering For Grid Technology Java
- Scalable Wireless AD-HOC Network Simulation Using XTC Java
- ATM Networks For Online Monitoring System Java
- Network Border Patrol Preventing Congestion Collapse Java
- Shortest Node Finder In Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Java
- TCP/IP Pocket Controlling Monitor Java
- Network Security System In DNS Using Ad-Hoc Networks Java
- E-Mail Server Using Multithreaded Sockets Java
- Integrating Speech Engine With Web Navigator Java
- Screen capture Utility VB Net
- HTML Editor VB Net
- Image Converter VB Net
- Internet History Viewer VB Net
- VB Net Smart Mail Transfer Protocol VB Net
- Windows Multi File Search utility VB Net
- Message Digest VB Net
- FTP Explorer VB Net
- Convolution Filter VB Net
- Find and Replace utility VB Net
- Apartment Management System VB Net
- Computerized Information Software VB Net
- Employee Management System VB Net
- Ice cream parlour management system
- Pizza hut - account management system
- Web Based help desk
- Honey Pots- A Security System to Identify Black Hat Community in Networks
- Water Marking Relational Databases Using Optimization technique
- Quantum Key Distribution for 3rd party authentication
- OMR Sheet Reader
- Multi player strategy game: Project ideas on Visual basic,Java,Database
- You can develop a speech reponse application using some hardware interface using the Microsoft SAPI SDK
- You can develop a Microsoft Word like application in VB ( a text editor basically)
- Timetable generation (user will input subjects, faculty times, class room times) : User will also input subject seriality and topics to be taken for the week
- CD library management
- Admission procedure
- Online passport registeration
- You can develop a LAN administrator tool (socket programming comes easy in VB) which will monitor application on a LAN and provide functions
- Voice Mail Systems
- Computer Telephony Integration
- Interfacing alphanumeric LCD x using VB
- Registry Editor
- honeypots
- Creation of a DMZ
- Creation of a sniffer and a port scanner
- Library Management System
- Hotel Management System
- Examination result according to the classes
- Granite Business management system
- Virtual classroom
- Dijkstra algorithm for shortest path
- Implementation of BPCS-Steganography
- Job portal
- Pragmatic general multicast
- Log browser
- Online matrimonial system
- Online health care system
- Factory management system
- T-Blogger
- Online bug tracking and customer support system
- Online call logging and customer support system
- E-Banking transaction system and portal for bank officials and customer
- Online book shop management system
- Advance vehicle and highway management system
- Acturial projection system
- Developing port scanning and detection system
- Development of simple IP subnet calculator tool
- College management system
- Library management system
- Tax management system
- Payroll information system
- Medical management system
- Vehicles with Intelligent Systems for Transport Automation
- Advanced public bus transportation system for India
- Automatic Medicine Announcement System
- Intelligent Multi-sensor System for Control of Boilers and Furnaces
- Dedicated Short range road side communication for vehicles
- Accident prevention system for hairpin bend zone
- Sequential switching for industrial application
- RFID based car parking system
- Intelligent Greenhouse
- RFID reader enabled mobile with environment alert and mobile tracking
- Active Learning Methods for Image Retrieval
- Remote Switching Control System for Home Appliances
- Real native and persistent layer for Java & .Net
- Global Insurance Management System
- A Smart System for Remote Monitoring of Patients and SMS Messaging upon Critical Condition
- Role Based Access Control
- Rich Internet Application Using Flux Frame for Managing Workflow in healthcare domain
- Effective Monitoring of Web navigation using Code Check
- Customer Support Protocol
- Online Employee Time Management System
- Insurance Management System
- Development of Customer relationship Management System to increase Sales
- Intelligent Call Routing & Management using IVR in Asterisk Server
- Human Age Estimation
- An Intelligent Dictionary Based encoding Algorithm for data compressing for High Speed Transformation Over Internet
- Motion Detecting System
- Project Management System
- Process Monitoring System
- NITC Student information system
- Implementation of the gaming software
- Online Library Management system
- Project Server
- My SQL Administrative tool kit
- Error handling for syntax analysis
- Online Student Registration
- Final Project by M.Techs ( currently reports are not available)
- Operating system enhancements to prevent the misuse of system calls.
- Type systems and applications to safety.
- Spatial and temporal database (queries for retrieving data)
- Adaptive distributed event model.
- Improving TCP performance in adhoc networks.
- Model checking for protocol verification.
- Type systems and it's application to safe and efficient code.
- Exact functional context matching for web services.
- A new methodology for representation of TCP performance in TCPSF.
- Adaptive event based middleware architecture.
- Intelligent agents.
- Optimizing pattern matching algorithm in intrusion detection.
- Information retrieval from textual corpus.
- Direction queries in spatio-temporal databases.
- Secure routing.
- Audio processing of movies.
- Final Projects By MCA ( currently reports are not available)
- Secure Conferencing System
- Web based Linux Administration
- Wireless Search Engine
- Hostel Election Software
- Performance Enhancement of HTTP using improved TCP Functionalities
- Adding Functionalities to Libpcap
- Performance Evaluation of an Efficient Multicast Routing Protocol
- Development of an OS Framework for a MIPS Simulator
- Secure Mail Server
- Development of an OS Framework for a MIPS Simulator
- Academic per-to-peer Network
- Secure Mail Server
- Distributed System simulator for Publish-Subscribe Model
- Data Integration
- Web based Linux Administration
- Interface for Mobile Phone and PDA using J2ME
- Distributed System simulator for Publish-Subscribe Model
- Contact Reminder
- Direct Information System
- Course Home Page Generator
- Campus Online Help Desk
- Online Class Register
- Mail Server Utility
- Hostel Election Software
- Collaborative Web Browsing
- Web based Application for Multiple Clients
- Testing Tool
- A Multihoming Solution for effective load balancing
- Implementing a Linux Cluster
- Improving the efficiency of Memory Management in Linux by Efficient Page
- Replacement Policies.
- Experimenting with Code Optimizations on SUIF (Stanford University Intermediate Format)
- Intranet Caching Protocol
- A DBMS with SQL Interpreter
- Developing an Organically Growing Peer to Peer Network
- Analysis of Routing Models in Event Base Middlewares
- Analysis of Event Models in Event based Middle ware
- Integration of Heterogeneous Databases Into XML Format with Translator
- Information Management and Representation Using Topic Maps
- Face Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Video Conferencing with Multicast Support
- Collaborative Span Filtering Using Centralized Incrementally Learning Spam Rules
- Database
- Hierarchical Data Back Up
- Automated Generation of Cycle Level Simulators for Embedded Processors.
- Mini Projects By M.Techs
- Fingerprint Image Enhancement
- Dept Library Management System
- Linux Kernel Enhancement
- Cloth Animation & Dynamics.
- Linux Kernel (Memory Management)
- Image Steganography
- Web Enabled Opinion Poll System For NITC
- Application Of Bayesian Networks To Data Mining
- Triple crypt Using Vector Displacement Algorithm
- Network Analysis
- Feed Forward Neural Networks
- IP Sniffer
- Project Management System
- Cryptographic Engine
- Fault-Tolerant TCP
- Enhancing The Algorithms
- Design of Intranet Mail System
- Mirroring
- Development of a Distributed Systems Simulator for Event Based Middleware
- A Smart phone Application to remotely a PC over the internet
- Network Protocol Verification Using Linear Temporal Logic
- Virtual Routing Network Emulation Frame Work
- Mini Projects by B.Techs ( Currently reports are not available )
- Time Table Information System
- Online Library System
- Implementing an interface for transliteration
- Simulation of the IA64 Instruction Set Architecture
- Simple FTP Client
- Text Editor for Linux Platform
- Exam Server
- Online Bulletin Board
- Project Server
- Developing GUI for IP Tables Configuration
- Academic planner
- Online Election Software for Hostel Election
- Performance Evaluation of Routing Algorithm using NS2
- Alumni Software
- Bandwidth management Tool
- Implementation of Scalar Optimizations
- Online Banking
- Distributed Workgroup File Indexer
- Managing Linux Distributions
- Network Sniffer
- Simulating Routing Algorithms in Java
- A Tool For Network Auditing(ping and Port Scanning, TCP/IP Finger printing
- An alternative semantics for error and exceptional handling
- Online Counseling software
- Web application
- Instant messenger system
- course home page generator
- Web application
- An Interpretor for lambda calculus with some extensions
- course home page generator
- Probabilistic Techniques for cache replacement
- Implementation of Download wizard for simultaneous downloads
- Online Share Trading
- Online Counseling
- Transfer Program in Java Using Protocols like FTP,SMB,HTTP,SSH
- Using Genetic Algorithms for testcase generation for finite state machines
- A study of the Linux Operating system, Development of useful System programs
- subsequently implementing a GUI Providing a certain useful functionality
- Online Shopping
- Text to Speech conversion
- Hostel elections voting software
- Code optimization: Implementation of scalar optimizations
- A Web based academic monitoring system
- To output the timing schedule
- Code optimization: Implementation of scalar optimizations
- Online Objective test
- Performance Evaluation of Routing Algorithm using NS2
- IA64 ISA Simulation
- Text to Speech conversion
- Customizing Proxy Web server
- Auction simulator using agents
- Implementation of cryptographic protocols in oblivious signature based envelope (
- OSBE to handle cyclic policy interdependency)
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