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Energy Audit Report


Energy Audit of IIT Kharagpur AIESEC IIT Kharagpur AIESEC IIT Kharagpur IIT Kharagpur The first ever Energy Audit of the whole campus of the January – April, 2010 Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, conducted by AIESEC IIT Kharagpur in association with Electrical Engineering Department and Ecozen Solutions. 2. Energy AuditAIESEC IIT Kharagpur 1 What is an Energy Audit? An energy audit is a preliminary activity towards instituting energy efficiency programs in an establishment. It consists of activities that seek to identify conservation opportunities preliminary. The term energy audit is commonly used to describe a broad spectrum of energy studies ranging from a quick walk-through of a facility to identify major problem areas to a comprehensive analysis of the implications of alternative energy efficiency measures sufficient to satisfy the financial criteria of sophisticated investors. Three common audit programs are described in more detail below, although the actual tasks performed and level of effort may vary with the consultant providing services under these broad headings. Preliminary Audit The preliminary audit alternatively called a simple audit, screening audit or walk-through audit, is the simplest and quickest type of audit. It involves minimal interviews with site operating personnel, a brief review of facility utility bills and other operating data, and a walk-through of the facility to become familiar with the building operation and identify glaring areas of energy waste or inefficiency. General Audit The general audit alternatively called a mini-audit; site energy audit or complete site energy audit expands on the preliminary audit described above by collecting more detailed information about facility operation and performing a more detailed evaluation of energy conservation measures identified. Investment-Grade Audit In most corporate settings, upgrades to a facilitys energy infrastructure must compete with non-energy related investments for capital funding. Both energy and non-energy investments are rated on a single set of financial criteria that generally stress the expected return on investment (ROI). The projected operating savings from the implementation of energy projects must be developed such that they provide a high level of confidence.

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Energy audits don't save money and energy for companies unless the recommendations are implemented. Audit reports should be designed to encourage ... 

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